August 2000 Club feature
Home / Features / Danish Indian Club
   Indian Klub Danmark
   By Moen
About time! Many European countries have had Indian clubs for years, but somehow it never came about in Denmark. Not until Ove Jensen, Danish Chief owner, and member of the prestigeous "Mosten MC", took action and sent out invitations to the few local Indian riders he knew, and asked them to spread the word to anyone they knew. The result was that 16 Indian enthusiasts and 8 running Indians showed up at Mosten's fabulous club house on a sunny Saturday in July.

Item one on the agenda was the question of whether we wanted a Danish Indian Club. Well, you can imagine the answer to that! While there has been some networking among Danish Indian owners, many have not known more than one or two other riders, and some have felt all alone in the world with their Indian project. Not any more.

We swiftly covered the remaining items, and the club was a reality. Then we moved on to what had instilled a certain sense of urgency in the calling of this founding meeting. There is an annual International Indian Rally every year, and Ove had been asked last year at the Rally in Finland to consider arranging it in Denmark in 2003. The only problems were that there was no Indian club to host it, and that the decision was to be taken on this years Rally in Austria one week later....

Just before "going to press" the news ticked in that you should all come to Denmark in 3 years time! There should be more info soon, but it was decided on this year's Rally in Austria that the 2003 International Indian Rally will be in Denmark. Next year's Rally will be in Holland and the year after in Slovenia. The 2004 Rally will be in Great Britain. Stay tuned!

Mosten MC is a local Brit- and US bike club, who stages two of the biggest annual Danish events, the British Bike Meet and Race Day - a drag racing event. Mosten MC will be hosting the 2003 International Rally on behalf of Indian Klub Danmark. They have a great website here. Even if it's mostly in Danish (well, we speak kinda OK English, so go polish up your Danish before you start complaining about "foreign" languages!) ;-) there's lots of interesting pictures.

The Danish Indian Club site is here. Just a small beginning, but it will grow. Webmasters of other Indian clubs: Let's get together and trade material, ok?

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Founding members of the Danish Indian Club.

Club house and garden of "Mosten MC", our hosts for the day.

Talkin' Injuns!

The Danish summer can be pretty nice...

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