Markey and Mark Weidmayer
From Robin Markey
This year we had 150 WWII military vehicles
there. At our motor
pool/motorycycle repair tent we had 14
US motorcycles. 12 Indians and 2 Harleys. We had a 340, an 841, four 640's,
and six 741's and two WLA's. We had 67 WWII aircraft. Three B-17's, two
B-25's, three P-51's, a P-40, a Corsair, a TBM, a wildcat, a Douglas Dauntless
Divebomber, just to name a few. We had 5 separate tent encampments with
a little over 800 reenactors. We had about 3 tanks, 3 half-tracks, 2 armored
cars. It's probably the closest thing to a working WWII base and encampment.
Every tent has something different going on in it. We also had about
100 vendors selling WWII 'stuff'. This year we had 31,000 spectators in
3 days.
From Mark Weidmayer
Here is a complete list of all the motorcycles
that were registered to attend Reading.
1940 Indian 640-B - Robin Markey
1940 IndianINDIAN 340-B - Robin Markey
1941 IndianINDIAN 640-B - Robin Markey
1941 BMW R71 - Andy Zapone
1942 Indian 741 - Mark Weidmayer
1941 Indian 841 - Robin Markey
1943 Indian 741 - Robin Markey
1943 Indian 741 - Robin Markey
1943 Indian 741 - Bill Jeffers
1942 WLA - Charles Kern
1942 WLA - Bill Billett
1942 WLA - David Peters
1942 WLA - S. Leichliter
1944 WLA - Andrew Ballard
1942 WLA - Tom Bowers
1943 Zundap Motorcycle - Baxter Hardings
1943 Zundap Motorcycle - Denslow Burhans
1930 BMW R75 - Aaron Zifra
1940 BMW R75 - Pete Gentry
1930 BMW R75 - Joe LaRue
1941 BMW R75 - Arthur Stevenson
1941 BMW R75 - Mike Allen
1944 Welbike - Matthew Smagach |
B17 and 741
Motor pool and 741
Indians at motor pool
741 and buildings
Photos by Mark Weidmayer